
Motivational Monday: Wake Up.

brunch_denmarkMotivational Monday: Wake Up.
I still can?t believe how early I wake up these days. And I say it in the most metaphorical possible way.
It?s so easy to lose yourself in negativity and get into the vicious circle of doubting yourself and your capabilities.
?Am I gonna succeed? Am I good enough? Am I ever gonna be happy? Am I gonna find the One? And then let the daydreaming begin.
But while letting your mind wander and draft plans for the future you suddenly go completely absent. You fail to notice the barista who?s been trying to grab your attention for quite some time, you fail to make sense of the great business idea that your friend has just pitched over your afternoon coffee, being completely engulfed in building your beautiful imaginary world.
It?s yet another Monday, the beginning of a new week. A fresh start you think.
But how fresh this week will actually get? Your plans are neatly scribbled down, and while ticking them off one after another, you?ve already begun to carefully plan ahead the days and weeks to come.
So today I have a challenge.
Skip your lonesome evening workout and join that dance class.
Go and speak to that girl.
Try a new dish.
Pay attention to what that stranger says.
Pitch that quirky idea to your boss.
Shut your mind for a while and try to let your gut instinct thrive.
Be present now and squeeze on the opportunities that you?d normally completely miss out.
Be abnormal this week. Be impulsive.
And then share with me - have any wonders happened?

More on the topic of why we tend to let ourselves be unhappy here:

5 kommentarer

  • Hannah Kane

    Beautiful post - great motivation. Thank you for posting lovely.

    Hannah xx

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  • Liza Tait-Bailey

    I definitely have blog envy right now, your site is so beautiful! This post has left me feeling very inspired, thank you for that 🙂

    Liza xx

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  • Lee

    What a lovely post! gave me some great ideas for the rest of the week!

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  • Amy

    I love the idea of this. I think setting goals before each week is a really productive way to ensure Monday isn’t a drag. | Amy x

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  • Rosy Flynn

    I loved this, I’ve just written a post myself about the never ending social media that is taking over our personal lives and I liked this as it seemed to go hand in hand with what I’ve been thinking 🙂

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

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