Mint Lace Dress and The Prom of S.

How did your weekend go? On Saturday I was invited to attend a pre-lash prom party of S., the daughter of my parents? closest friends. Her brother and I were raised together with our birthdays only a month apart.
When S. was born we were already 5. Though G. and I were still little children, she was the one we were taking care of. She was growing up in front of our eyes and now staring at the past, I cannot comprehend where it has all gone.
Our childhood. The bliss. The simplicity. The innocence. The genuineness of our playful laughter.
I was just about to choose my outfit for the event and though I intended to wear an elegant dress in dark blue, my hand reached for something else. Suddenly, I was facing the mirror wearing angelically looking knee-length lace dress in mint, nude pointed stilettos, and a purse and bangles in a matching colour.
Dress - New Yorker/ Nude Stilettos - Forever 21/Bangles - Aldo/Purse - Parfois
Don’t rush.
Don’t beg time to speed up its course.
And while ‘drafting’ your ambitious future plans, hold on for a second, smile, and most importantly ENJOY. Yes, enjoy exactly this moment with your mother, with your best friend, with yourself. As, you know, plans can always be re-drafted at a later stage, but these precious moments… no, you’ll never be able to bring them back.
P.S. Recently a new challenge was announced on Letters to Antoinette #LTADARESU. All you have to do is comment below 1 / 2 or drop me an email with your details if you’re willing to join the other ‘darers’ in a whimsical adventure to a healthy living transformation. The most engaged ‘darer’ will win a pair of lovely Nike Air Max (the colour and size of their choice). Today, Chrissy Lilly one of the most active darers within the Challenge did post ‘The Holiday Countdown is On’ on her healthy living goal. Click and have a peek :).
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