Let’s Talk Teeth Whitening

Since I gave birth, I’ve been drinking so much coffee that now I don’t even like vanilla lattes anymore. The stronger the better if you ask me!
And it’s quite noticeable on my teeth that I’ve been living on caffeine over that last 6 months. They’ve definitely lost their perfectly white shade, so I’ve been trying to find a solution to fix their colour without affecting them too much. I’m saying that because the only two times I’ve had them bleached, the dentists used an overly aggressive teeth whitening treatment (with a laser and a special whitening paste). Even though my teeth turned perfectly white the whole process was way too painful! My gums were literally burning from the paste and laser, and my teeth became more sensitive then ever after having them bleached in such way.
I’ve been also considering buying one of those trendy home teeth whitening kits, but again can I trust them?
The other day while having my daily walk with Sofia, I dropped by VoresTænder Tandklinik (tandlæge i Lyngby) here in Lyngby to find out whether they offered any sort of teeth bleaching that could work for me.
It turns out they are offering 2-in-1 - personalised and overly gentle teeth whitening (tandblegning) that you do at home! Okay, now that’s something!I booked a consultation appointment with a specialist to examine my teeth and find out whether such treatment is something for me. Then we can take it from there and decide on the shade that would suit my personal preferences and olive skin tone hehe. Of course, the more natural it looks the better, right?
Photo by VoresTænder Tandklinik
Here I won’t have to experience anything painful to get my teeth sparkling white again! I’d receive a custom-made brace, created especially for me, and a whitening gel that I would be using in the evenings. In less than two weeks I should be able to see the results.
Have you ever tried something similar? If so were you happy with the results?
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