Getting Inspired: YouTube #FemaleCreatorsDK

The second day of our YouTube marathon took place at the lounge of STAY hotel Copenhagen. The event was named #FemaleCreatorsDK and while we had no clue what to expect, it was pretty obvious that the participants were gonna be mainly female (if not only). In comparison to the first day where Eli (MakeUpButHow) and I learned useful strategies for how to more successfully handle and develop our YouTube channels (applies more for me as I’m the newbie in our crew), this time it was all about the influence the YouTube female creators have on a global level.
And while we were more than aware of YouTube’s power to reach millions and spread powerful messages, it’s always inspiring to be reminded of that. From issues such as body image and equality to racism, religion and sexuality are tackled by YouTube-rs daily and for me it’s the fact that YouTube enables you to speak up and reach thousands of people (or more) that matters. I really tried to understand the whole feminist perspective we were discussing and nod during the videos we were watching. I really did. But I guess after spending a year on a dissertation that went to the roots of gender, I’ve grown hesitant to stay on the feminist side and think in terms of ‘how awesome we all are (women)’ and how we should stick together and help each other in this male dominated world. Blah. But then I respect the girls who address this issue the same way I respect men who’re acting like lads in their attempt to appear masculine. The point is I get it, but I’d rather not go there with my Channel.
Anyway, YouTube did a marvellous job during both days and did inspire us to keep (or START) making change through YouTube. The organisers also spoiled us with tons of yummy snacks (oh, the chocolate cake!), fruits and literally the best Sushi in Copenhagen. Hooray!
So I guess the time has come to start shooting all these videos I’ve come up with? And make sure to let me know if you have any specific video requests in the comments below.
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