Sun In Your Eyes
Warm, skin-kissing, wonderful sunays - I’ve missed you. A few days ago Philip and I went to meet up with Aimee and Aidan - friends of mine from England.
What am I talking about really?
Aimee is, in fact, the person I associate England with. We spent a few brilliant years there, living together throughout the blissful University times.
So, to be pretty honest, while the sunny weather did caught us by surprise, it wasn’t really the sun that warmed my heart.
And that’s a good lesson to be learned - even if the wintery weather sometimes gets too much - remember all the other things that have the power to bring back the sun in your life. Maybe a surprise visit from a friend, a cozy evening spent at home with those you love the most… or maybe just spending time all by yourself and being happy that you’re here, that you are you and it’s up to you to let your heart be overwhelmed with joy. Skater Skirt (here) // Whistles Sweatshirt (here) // Missguided Sweatshirt (here) // NLY Stiletto Boot (here) // Story of Lola Jacket (here) // Ray-ban Sunglasses (here) // LEOWULFF Bag (here)
Ready to let the sunrays stream out of your eyes?
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