Pop of positivity
It’s been a crazy period. Wake up, change a diaper, breastfeed, get one ready for the kindergarten, help the other fall asleep.
Get ready for the day; work, breastfeed, diaper, eat something…. - repeat.
I woke up on Monday - next thing I see it’s already 10 o’clock on Sunday.
The time is seriously flying and I’m doing my best to be positive about it.
I want to grow as a person while also be there for my girls.
It’s been pretty tough to achieve the perfect balance, but it’s been also as exciting to go through those hectic times.
Positive attitude goes a long way in every aspect of life.
You need to work for your positive attitude - fake it till you make it.
Wear bright colours; seeks entertaining moments; embrace yourself with positive people; sing to that cheerful song.
I sometimes feel like crying too; I sometimes feel like giving up - but then I remember that my positive attitude has attracted everything I have today.
Bag Like by Furla /here/ from MDL Group
Outfit by MarcCain /here/
Shoes by Reebok
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