Styling It Up.

BOOM… It’s here!

letters-to-a-boom-watchsIt’s here! My brand new watch by BOOM watches that I designed myself!
And yes, I do have a thing for watches. Not that I ever use them for their real purpose, I have my phone for that…so it should come as no surprise that my watches are always a lil bit behind or forward. Plus, my watches serve a better purpose - to spice my outfits up.
letters-to-a-boom-watches1So no…I didn’t really need a new watch until I discovered BOOM. I was able to pick the main parts of the watch myself and decide on its final look. And what better for an indecisive individual like me, right? It took me some time to decide exactly which strap I wanted because let’s be honest - all of them are pretty great! Aw and then I had to pick the case, insert and top ring! Aw, I struggled… but it was sooo worth it! Look at this eye candy! letters-to-a-boom-watches5I also got an extra strap for Philip, so that he can wear the watch when we take photos of him for the blog… and I was pretty sure that he wouldn’t have volunteered to wear the golden strap. Or would he?letters-to-a-boom-watches4
The thing I love the most about the golden strap - it won’t get dirty! All the other watches I have come with lighter leather/textile straps… and you can imagine how they look in a few days time.
P.S. BOOM have their own collection so if you don’t feel like designing your own piece that for a normal person takes less than a few minutes - you can go for one designed by BOOM.
So - what would you do? Design your own or go down the old-fashioned road?

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