An Unexpected Lifestyle Change During My First Pregnancy

Most of you are probably perfectly aware that I’m vegetarian or pascatarian to be more precise. I haven’t had meat since I was 14, and I tried to start eating it again when I was in University. But it never managed to grow up on me so I thought - if I don’t like the taste of meat why would I force myself having it? I knew there were alternative ways to provide my body with sufficient amount of protein without eating meat (think beans, soy and all that), so I just went for that option instead.
I’ve been asked plenty of times whether I quit meat because I care about the animals way too much. Well, I do care, of course, but that’s not the reason behind my choice. Misguided Faux Fur Coat (here) // Asos Bodycon Dress (here) // Leowulff Anaconda Petrol Gold Bag (here) // Alternative to the sneakers: Supergra Cotmetu Trainers in rose gold (here) // Dior Sunglasses (here)
Since the beginning of my pregnancy things have changed so much for me - from my daily workouts and eating habits to the way I choose to spend my days.
Yep, my priorities have massively changed. Actually, one of my favourite things at the moment is to go out and get some fresh out in the nature (and if possible have some nice food).
This could literally make my day!
But apart from the fact that Zumba doesn’t seem as luring and nice as a refreshing walk down the Copenhagen’s coastline, there is another change I’m currently undergoing that caught me by surprise.
Yesterday I went to my first apportionment with my midwife, and after having checked all that she had to check it was time for the much anticipated ‘food’ talk. I caught myself asking plenty of times whether I ‘SHOULD’ start eating meat so that my baby gets all the protein it needs. She underlined that as long as I eat substitutes that are rich in protein - all is good. Well, before I left, just to be sure, I asked again and she kept on reassuring me that it’s okay.
On my way home I realised that I wasn’t even that worried about my protein intake. My body just felt like chicken and because my stubbornness wouldn’t allow me to have some, I needed someone (an authoritative figure be it a doctor/midwife) to make me do it. ‘F*** it!’ I said to myself. I quit meat because I didn’t like it - and that’s about it. I’ve never enjoyed steaks or meatballs, but chicken - I used to really like back in the day.
So guess what? Today I cooked my first ‘frikase’ - a Bulgarian dish I adored when I went to kindergarten and I found myself craving it without even consciously thinking about it. It’s chicken pieces (out of chicken thighs) with white sauce all cooked on the stove. I still haven’t tasted it - I’m waiting for Philip to come back home and share with him that grandiose moment of having my first bite of chicken for I don’t know how many years.
I thought I’d regret my decision the moment the scent of ‘frikase’s filled the whole flat. But it rather made me throw myself into the past. And just like that I was the young girl with blondish hair (yeah, I know - it’s been a long time), who was having spoonfuls of ‘frikase’ right near her kindergarten friends.
Anyway I can hear Philip coming up the stairs so it’s time to set the table.
Pregnancy does make you do/feel crazy stuff…But who cares as long as you’re happy and enjoying every moment of it!?
Now I’m more than curious to find out what lifestyle changes you’ve undergone during your pregnancy?
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