Lifestyle Tip Of The Week

Quality time with oneself.

In two months I will be a mother again and while I’m crazy excited to meet my Siena-Philipa, I’m also a little bit anxious. I won’t be able to be all by myself for quite some time… and now whenever I get the chance I do exactly that - spend quality time with myself. Why?

  • Because my concentration immediately improves and I tend to come up with the most creative ideas when I’m strolling down the streets;
  • I get the chance to actually hear my thoughts and make better decisions without getting distracted by everyone else’s opinions;
  • It helps me appreciate my relationship(s) more + helps me figure out who I want to spend my spare time with - especially now that I will be even busier working from home and taking care of a newborn.

Do you like to spend time all by yourself? Do you find it useful and it what ways?

And just because I’m so into walking right now - I treated myself with a new pair of Reebok sneaks from Deichmann. Do you like them?


Reebok shoes from Deichmann
Outfit by Shein
Bag by Leowulff

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