2.0 Relationship and Sunday Brunch in NYC

2.0 Relationship and Sunday Brunch in NYC
Hey lovely reader,The last couple of weeks were quite hectic for me, I moved to a place giant and vibrant, a place, which though serving as ‘THE’ inspiration for artists, producers, and actors, somehow failed to immediately turn into my muse.
A few days ago B. and some friends of ours (a couple as well) went to Balthazar, NYC, to have brunch together and freshen up after a long night spent out clubbing. Though a bit tired and hangover, big smiles were spread across our faces. Frankly, this was the first time in which I was also genuinely smiling since I left my city, while indulging in apple and cinnamon pancakes slathered in a lot of maple syrup (why haven’t I tried this thing before?!?).
In my latest post I shared with you our love story, and if you haven?t had the chance to read the piece, well, to put it shorty ? B. and I maintained an online relationship since the very beginning. Yes, a 2.0 relationship which was eventually put at stake when the distance between us tripled and the time difference expanded with him moving away to live in NYC. And the thing is that we never had the chance to live together before or spend some quality time not in a hurry. We were always beware to spend our ‘offline moments’ sensibly and wisely, striving to create ‘breathtaking memories’ that would help us stay together. But these moments were never really enough to help us fully bond, to accept each other’s flaws, and to finally start nourishing our souls with immeasurable amounts of infinite and untainted love. We never got the chance to initially ‘experience’ and ‘feel’ and only then to resolve to be officially together. Rather, what we had at the beginning was simply ‘hope’… hope that one day what we have hastily labelled as a ‘relationship’ would eventually find its way work; we did take a risk to enter into ‘something’ that none of us was ever certain of.
Every time we saw each other ? be it in Paris, where he previously lived, or in any other city, everything seemed simply whimsical and magical…well at least near the end. The first couple of days always served as ‘adjustment period’, filled with pointless fights, spiteful comments, and irritable behaviour (especially from my side). It?s difficult to feel safe and calm with a person that you haven?t seen for months. It?s difficult to kiss them, laugh in their rhythm, and enjoy the peaceful silence when cuddled under the duvet.
Every ‘first kiss’ was a kiss with a stranger.
Every first ‘smile’ was inappropriate and silly.
Every first seconds of ‘silence’ seemed way too painful and prolonged.
2.0 relationships are difficult.
2.0 relationships can get indeed quite painful.
2.0 relationships are modern, sometimes fun, and most cases simply devastating.
I landed in NYC almost two weeks ago and I spent a whole week wondering ‘Is that ever going to work’, ‘Do I really know him’, ‘Does he really have any idea who I’m as a person?’
I was exploring the city doing my best to find myself and find a way for ‘us’ to thrive.
And it did hit me.
Only a day ago.
We are no longer lingering in a 2.0 relationship.
We are closer than ever before.
I can call him, text him, without me being afraid that he?d be asleep at that time.
He’s actually sitting just across the table munching on his french fries and reminding me with gentle smile to finish off my pancakes.
We are together and we can finally stop incessantly ‘dreaming’ and can start actually ‘building’.
We no longer have to plan and await for the next holiday that we’d spend together.
Now every single days is ours.
Yes, it was time for me to stop doubting and start believing…
To stop thinking and start living and enjoying every moment of what we currently have.
‘Cos we are still young and finally together.
And you, fellow reader, who have also entered a 2.0 relationship ? well, it’s not an easy thing to maintain; and it’s a wicked challenge - that’s for sure. But who has ever said that Love is something easy?
If your 2.0 lover is worth fighting for, well, it’s time for you to find a way for your souls to float together in the offline space and sensually flourish closer to each other.
I’m smiling and wondering already for what is yet to come. B. and I’s mutual ‘holiday’ has certainly begun. For when are you planning yours?
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