Pregnancy Outfit of the Day- Halter Dress and Comfy Shoes

After a (not-so) short break from blogging, I’m back. It’s been a hectic period - my mom’s jubilee, my friend’s bachelorette party and wedding just around the corner - meanwhile trying to be a good mother and take care of myself while carrying my second child.
Right now I find utmost joy in going out for long walks around the city and spending as much time as I possibly can with Sofia. She has already started to change her behaviour towards me and her dad - probably because she could sense that our new little one is on its way. She gets utterly upset every time we head towards the nursery and wouldn’t let go of my leg. I have already started getting more and more tired in the evenings - yes, I finally feel pregnant. But while this shouldn’t come as a surprise to me or to anyone around me - it does. I guess because I was hiding it so well until now - staying as active as I normally am and wearing my everyday clothes.Not anymore.
I invested in a few dresses that are loose around the belly and some flat and comfy shoes. I won’t be wearing heels for quite some time and the same applies to my favourite jeans. I guess with a lot on my mind I just couldn’t find time to share with you all that I’ve been going through. But now that I’m back, during the week I will be giving you a short overview on everything that’s been going on.
Shoes by Deichmann
Dress by Review (Peek and Cloppenburg)
Handmade sunglasses by Clandestino Veneto
Bag by Parfois
Is there something in particular you’d like me to write about? 🙂 Let me know in the comments below.
Привет, сладури! След кратка почивка се завръщам с нова статия. Липсва ми да пиша и да споделям мислите си онлайн, но се видях в голямо приключение тези няколко месеца. Кума съм на една от най-добрите ми приятелки, подготвях се за юбилея на мама (очаквайте снимки), предстои сватба и какво ли още не. Разбира се, освен това се опитвам да прекарвам максимално много време със София, която вече усеща, че ще има още едно мъниче вкъщи и никак не е доволна от този факт. Отива с нежелание на градина, нещо, което до скоро обожаваше, и плаче истерично, когато я оставим. Ще се радвам да чуя вашите съвети, ако и вие сте минали през същото.
Вече се снабдих с нови дрехи, подходящи за състоянието ми - главно рокли, свободни около корема, и ниски обувки, защото вече не само изглеждам малко по-бременна, но и се чувствам така. Доспива ми се често, а да нося високи обувки в момента е просто немислимо.
Вие какви дрехи носите (носихте) по време на бременността ви? 🙂 Сменихте ли изцяло гардероба си?
До скоро!
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