Toddler Summer Haul

Lifestyle Tip Of The Week

As a mother I spend way too much time cleaning, cooking, doing the washing… The completion of chores take so much of my spare time that I just had to find a way to use it more effectively. I’m just NOT born to be a housewife and while I have to get going with those stuff, I most certainly do NOT enjoy them.
So I have found a way to feel productive even when I’m mopping the floor.

Listening to podcasts 

I just love podcasts. I use literally every opportunity I get to listen to something motivational/educational – be it while cleaning, taking my morning shower, or walking to the store.

I opt for podcasts that I can learn from rather than simply get entertained. Not that I don’t get entertained while learning. That’s me. Book(podcast worm). If you are a podcast newbie start with


and I will be putting together a list of some of my favourite podcasters in an upcoming blogpost. Until then – hit me with your faves.

I’m also using wireless headphones just because it’s easy to stroll around and get on with the chores while listening to podcasts… or music. Mine are by Panasonic (here) in my fave colour. :))

And what is your tip of the week?



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