Starting Over - But Coffee First.

With a cup of coffee in hand I spent a couple of hours wondering around the streets as Philip had to deal with the agency photographer who took the photos of our flat. Photos? Yep, we’ve put our flat for sale!
That’s the first time in my adult life that I feel a little bit nostalgic towards a ‘thing’ and get a fluttering feeling in the stomach from the thought of handing the keys to another family. I guess because that’s the flat that became our home, the first home Sofia entered and lived during the first six months of her life.
We’ve actually decided to sell pretty much everything…and start over! Of course with the exception of a few unique home pieces, Lone’s paintings and our LaPicolla coffee machine. Hehe I actually learned to drink coffee in that flat! Before I was this skinny latte type of a girl, who liked her coffee sweet and with vanilla flavour. Not anymore! Now I’m more of a cortado girl - I like my coffee strong. Aw, maybe because I’m no longer a girl - I’m a mom and what’s the every mom’s must have? Coffee, of course! As I’m still breastfeeding I try to drink decaf after lunch - but thankfully Philip has supplied me with tons of it!You can find LuCaffee here
We’re off to Bulgaria in a few hours to spend a week with MakeUpButHow and my parents. Ellie and I have actually organised a MeetUp that’s gonna take place in Sofia this Sunday (12th March). The place is Soho Cafe, Bulgaria Mall - 1 PM. If you want to join make sure to sign up here:
And now I’m off to fix our luggage! See you soon! xoxo
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