My Number One Tip for Staying Fit When You're Expecting

Stage Fright, I mean Labour Fright

letters-to-a-9-monthsAs I was having my morning fruit platter I clicked on my ‘What to Expect’ app (by the way it’s incredibly useful so if you’re expecting make sure to download it) to see ‘6 days left’ written on the screen. Gosh, there’s less than a week until my due date. My heart skipped a beat and I felt overwhelming joy and excitement that we finally get the chance to meet and kiss our little one. And then the anxiety. Will I make it? Am I really capable of delivering a baby? Having such thoughts sounds a bit mental, but my mind can’t really comprehend how the female body can actually do it - I mean cater for and give birth to another human being. I suppose I’m gonna find out pretty soon and then will look back and laugh at my unreasonable hesitation. Apart from that I’m more than ready-to-go - my belly is way too heavy, and I can hardly make myself fall asleep during the night. So even though there is no baby in the flat yet, I’m practicing hard for the sleepless nights to come.
Anyway - my mom and dad are in town and we’re planning to spend the week enjoying the summer weather in Copenhagen (I know, right), which is great as I won’t be at home all by myself stressing over the fact that I have no clue when I will go into labour.
I’m curious to find out how you felt before and after labour?
Let me know in the comments below.

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My Number One Tip for Staying Fit When You're Expecting