A Letter to Granny A. a.k.a. My Future Self

My Take On The Skinny Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe

My Take On The Skinny Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe 
Happy Tuesday, lovely peeps! Yesterday, some of you noticed the cookies I was munching on while preparing my ‘Letter to Granny A.’ and asked me what they were. Well, they are my favourite home-made (yes, by moi!),
oatmeal cookies I’d normally dip in my tea while chilling at home after Pilates. The recipe is fairly easy to make and you can alter it as much as you want to suit your taste (for example I use less sweetener and use more raisins instead). Also, the great thing about it - you don’t have to be a great cook to be able to bake these little yummies! Actually, I reckon that’s one of the few recipes out there with which you just can’t go wrong. Believe me, if I can bake them and make the puff - you certainly can too!


So the ingredients you’ll need:
150 gr. regular oatmeal
2 tbsp multigrain flour 
2 tbsp organic raw coconut butter/olive oil
50 gr. raisins
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs
50 gr. sweetener - maple/agave syrup, honey or unrefined sugar 
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

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First, mix the eggs with the sweetener of your choice (I used maple syrup) and add to the mixture the coconut butter and multigrain flour. Before you add the oatmeal (I just <3 oatmeal, don’t I? It’s a complete mystery how I’ve just forgotten to add it to my 21 things I love…hm), ground half of it and then put it in the bowl. Then it’s time to add the rest of the ingredients, namely the cinnamon and baking powder!
Yes, it’s that easy!
With wet hands shape cookie balls from the oatmeal dough, placing them on a baking paper. While creating the cookies, heat the oven to 180 degrees!
In 10 minutes - your home-made yummies are all done! By the way - these cookies are also a great post-workout snack.
Best served with a cup of tea! 🙂

And you lovelies, which is you favourite home-made healthy snack? 

Lots of love,

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A Letter to Granny A. a.k.a. My Future Self