Back With Some New Workout – scratch that – Funout Zumba Gear

After spending a whole week organising a photo shoot for MakeOneGood?s (in collaboration with Letters to Antoinette) Spring Monochrome Collection (if you fancy an exclusive peek behind-the-scenes, make sure to check out LTA tomorrow for some photos) as well as planning my move to Copenhagen, I impulsively decided to give myself a Monday off and relax. And by ‘relax’ I mean going shopping and joining a class to take the pressure off myself. And with Spring Fever and warmer weather back in our lives ? I thought it was time for me to lay my hands on some lighter sportswear that show off some skin.You remember my obsession over any type of shorts, right?
And as we somehow always end up associating the warmer weather with doing sport and getting rid of the few extra pounds gained during winter - I decided to share with you my Number 1 tip when it comes to staying motivated and exercising all-year-round! Coz, yes, that’s what I do. I just never stop.
Rather than picking a sport that’s very IN this season or just for the sake of staying fit, go for something that would first and foremost make you grin! I reckon that?s the primary mistake most people make when they finally decide to get off their butt & exercise - they pick something fancy that will help them lose weight/ build abs, without really enjoying it in any way. A few years back I also struggled staying motivated - I’d try out different classes, pay regular visits to the gym - you know, ‘working out’ hard without really enjoying any second of it. And there I was, one rainy day, getting changed after a bad a** Body Combat class when some upbeat music reached my ears. I stormed back to the sports hall to stumble upon all those girls dancing wildly and having a blast! Gosh, the positive energy was so mind-blowing that I just had to try it! And there I was joining the Zumba craze for the first time in my life.
And you know, prior to joining my first Zumba class, I’d keep on convincing myself that Zumba was waaaay to easy for someone keen on high-intensity workout sessions. But that?s the thing with Zumba ? even though it might give off that impression - once you give it a go, your opinion will change pretty much straight way. Each and every dance move targets specific muscle group with your abs being engaged all the time during the class. Also, while shaking the Zumba moves - it’s all about the effort you put. If you?re just chilling without giving at least 70% from you ? well, of course it won?t work. Anyway, if you want me to share more about my Zumba experience ? let me know in the comments below ? and I?ll prepare a detailed article about it :). The point I’m trying to make here is: choose a workout that will make you smile and turn from a WORKOUT to a FUNOUT.
And me? I’d normally opt Nike/Puma trainers, H&M or Forever 21 activewear (yes, some of the best sport leggings I own are from there), and Reebock when it comes to shorts.
And you, which brands you?d normally turn to when it comes to putting together your funout gear?
Have a lovely week!
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