THE BEST DAMN HEALTHY MOVIE SNACKSooo, today?s post might surprise everyone who claims to know me well. While most of you would probably happily enjoy a cosy night in, well for me the dream night is the one spent out with friends, you know, eating out, going to the cinema and all that. Staying in? Nah, never been mah thing. With my hectic schedule, however, staying in has recently turned from something that would rarely take place to a MUST if I wanna stay sane. So, rather than inviting friends over or spending my free Sunday evenings out and about, I’d instead go for a cosy night in with Sparky on my lap. I?d pick a film worth watching (IOrigins,...
MY 3 WINTER SKIN CARE ESSENTIALS FOR WHEN YOU HIT THE SLOPES Hey hey! I literally can?t believe the past 4 days! The girls and I went on a quick getaway weekend in the mountains and, Gosh, we had a blast! And weirdly, even though it was 11 of us in one place - it was all jokes, delicious food, great music and tons of wine. We totally turned the stereotypes on their heads and proved that girls can have banter rather than drama. To be quite honest, it was surprising for me too, especially as I’ve never been on a vacation with that many girls. And it was precisely our ‘feminine’ habits that triggered most of the jokes. Some...
LTA’S DATING ADVICE: TIME TO DISCONNECT TO FINALLY TRULY CONNECT or WHO SHOULD SEND THE FIRST TEXT Heya! Today?s post is inspired by my life over the last 10 years and, in fact, by yours too. Social media have been a game changer in the way you’d approach your crush. You upload photos with your best mate (who turns out to be quite hot) to make THEM jealous and prompt them to get in touch with you first. You decide to get off Facebook and leave them hanging right in the middle of what was initially a cool & cheeky conversation ? just to make them want you more. You spend hours going through the texts you?ve exchanged, analysing them...
?It?s all about the Average Wednesday? Well, this was kind of intense!Frankly, this year I did my best to stay away from all my social media feeds, to prevent my eyes from seeing all the posts about ?the One?, complemented by ?artsy? photos featuring a bunch of heart-shaped items. Actually, I chose to spend my day in bed (in my monochrome-est possible attire) and read a book instead.ASOS CONTRAST RIB OVER THE KNEE SOCK (HERE) WATCH: DANIEL WELLINGTON CLASSIC TRINITY LADY (HERE) CEJON PLAID PRINT PONCHO (HERE) MAKEONEGOOD IPHONE 5 MONOCHROME CASE (HERE) Last year I did share my view on St.Valentine?s Day in my ?The Code to Love? post, which raised quite a lot of controversy among the people I...
WHY I LOVE ‘GRAPEFRUIT SOUP’ AND A FEW TIPS TO BEAT BLOATING Hey hey lovely peeps! Yesterday I tweeted a photo of my current favourite breakfast: the holy ?grapefruit soup?! And while it’s an overly simple thing to prepare, it still has a miraculous effect on my body, especially during that time of the month when I struggle quite a lot to zip up those skinny jeans. So today inspired by the zillion questions raised by my ‘grapefruit soup’, I decided to share with you a few of my bloating remedies as well as tips for how to beat bloating. As the main reason behind bloating is that your body retains fluids it doesn’t need and/or has excess gas caused by something you ate, today...