#LifeAsACanvas: Do You Need A Break From Love?
September 04, 2014
#LifeAsACanvas: Do You Need A Break From Love?
And the fact is… I want your insight, advice or just some guidance.Maybe I’m being overly dramatic, but that’s just how I feel. To be honest, it might as well be a tale as old as time. A boy and a girl decide to ‘go on a break’ a month prior to their two-year anniversary. He needs time to think, she doesn’t quite believe in ‘taking a break’, and thinks that this is the coward way of saying that ‘it’s over’.
It’s been 10 days. Ten long days. She noticed that it’s easier to put on the ‘I’m handling it so well – so not over-thinking it – living the dream’ mask in front of the others. Home is where all ‘the magic happened’, where the two of you used to be, and now it’s just you…with mascara streaking down your cheeks.
What’s your stand on ‘taking a break’? Does that even exist? Does it ever lead to a better relationship? Or has the time come for the splits?
Thank you so much for reading this and I’d be grateful if you’re willing to share your thoughts on my story.
V., when I read your e-mail it took me quite some time to get my head around your question… Probably because I immediately felt the urge to reassure you and tell you that everything’s gonna be fine… That ‘your [his and yours] happily ever after’ was just behind the corner… However, employing clichés rather than telling you what I truly think can do nothing but obstruct you from coming into terms with reality.
What does ‘taking a break’ really mean?
Does it imply that you’re tired of something, of your ‘other half’ to be more precise?
Does it mean that you crave adventure and excitement with someone ‘NEW’?
Does it suggest your need to spend some time by yourself reevaluating your relationship [+life] and the direction towards which it’s headed?
Mull over that for a while…
I know you’re still in love (and that your EGO is in pain), but remember – YOU is more important than anything and anyone else.
Are you getting back together (okay, un-pausing the relationship)? Well that’s a possible outcome.
However, that’s a choice both of you should make. It’s a conversation both of you should have.
But as I really don’t want to make the whole article about ‘you’ as a couple and about him as ‘your boyfriend [breakfriend]’ let me ask you something – what have you been doing since the start of your ‘break’?
Reading a book?
Blaming yourself?
Enjoying life?
Rather than beating yourself up over the situation and pressing the pause button of your life, isn’t it time that you gave yourself the objective answer to the ‘What do I want from life?’ question?
You’re strong enough to ‘THINK BIG’.
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