I’m the definition of versatile. I like to change, to develop, to learn, to feel different, to look different, to try new things… And one thing I can’t cope with is stagnancy /in any sense of the word/. I might have my own style, but within it I like to experiment. To enhance my femininity, to underline my masculine traits…
But one thing I don’t like to change is the ability to be active, to multitask and be constantly on the go. I tried Triumph’s Body Make Up range to check whether it’s really so pretty and comfortable as it promises. I slept with it, did a workout in it, wore it under a tight dress and under a see-through crop top. And I loved it. I have never felt the need to wear bras that make my breast seem bigger. And now that my breasts have also a different role - to nurse my baby - my number one priority is to feel comfortable and stay true to myself. Yep, I’m kinda done with the nursing bras… and I’m definitely somewhere between the sexy and the sporty bra. 🙂
And what about you? 🙂