March 29, 2014

The Colourful Vibe of a Monochrome City 
Dear Reader,
Yesterday while waiting for the counter attendant to hand me my afternoon latte, somewhere around 42nd and 3rd av. I was pensively looking out of the filmy window…

March 25, 2014

Letters to Antoinette: New York Edition
Chapter 1: Breaking away from the plan.
Yesterday I got up at around 4 AM to have enough time to stuff the last bits and pieces in my suitcase. While walking towards the closet I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Though still half asleep there was something in my eyes that I couldn’t really grasp.

March 23, 2014

Your worst enemy
Hey lovely,
I’ve been in a dark place before. It was that time of my adolescent years when the photos were indicating that my body was changing…quite rapidly I should say. One month my body was toned and hipless and the next - well-defined curves were contouring my corpse.

March 19, 2014

The Perks of OOTD shooting
Hey you,
Do you believe in destiny? While editing my photos I was staring at them dazed and confused. The girl smiling at me was in no ways similar to the girl I thought I knew. She was cheerful, she was glowing, and she was certainly having fun.

March 16, 2014

Sunrays and snowflakes 
Hey you lovely reader,
First I’d like to apologise for my lack of activity over the last week. It was a rather hectic period for me as I found out that I'd be travelling abroad quite a lot which required me to take care of my legal documentation and finalise my local projects. Yet, I managed to do a guest post (shopping list) for the lovely “Fashion Worked” which you can check out here if you are in a mood for some fashion. 

March 12, 2014

Let your "Slogan" do the talking
It was one of those days when you wake up and you already feel dizzy and tired… One of those days when your eyelids involuntary shut before they’ve been properly opened. One of those days when you look out of the window in the hope to see colours… and instead gloomy greyness fills your sight.

March 9, 2014

'When you think of the universe...what do you imagine is at the ends?'
Happy Sunday lovely reader,
It's been already a month since the launch of 'Letters to Antoinette' and I cannot thank you enough for all the support and positive feedback you've given me... I cannot even find the appropriate words to describe how happy and joyful I feel while working on this blog and 'sharing myself' with you. 

March 6, 2014

Ready to dive into the future?
Hey angel,
The other day while sipping our afternoon coffee, S. suddenly asked me 'Are you in love again'? The question tightly wrapped its hands around my neck. Though my eyes were moving side to side, my lips got stitched together. An awkward silence filled the air... and I was sitting there motionless and mute.

March 4, 2014

The Rhythm of the Urban Floral-Chic 
Hey angel,
Can you feel the vibe of Spring yet? Well, I know it’s quite difficult to switch to a “warmer” mood when the weather still evokes feelings of gloominess and discontent.

March 2, 2014

Rock this pastel
Hey angel,
This year is all about the soothing pastel, quirky floral, and extravagant colour combinations (think pink shirt and orange skirt). Today, however, the focus will fall on the milky colours as this is the trend that I wouldn’t really go for when I think of adding some new garments to my wardrobe.