As I was walking out of my flat with my Mango Cross Body Bag  thrown over my shoulder, I thought, wait a minute, isn’t it time that I shared with you what’s in my bag?

As you all know how much I love working out, I’d always take with me the beauty essentials I might need to give my make up a quick fix after PilatesBeing a huge fan of the sun-kissed face ? I’d simply never skip the occasion to re-apply some of my all time favourite Bronzing Powder by NARS - Irrésistiblement  ($39.00) (yes, I’m not a fan of Laguna, could you imagine?!) and a Flawless Application Face Brush by Bare Escentuals ($22.00), of course. 

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To ensure that my lips are at all times soft and moisturised, I make sure to take with me one of my Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupté Shine lipsticks ($36.00) rather than any other gloss or lip balm. Being a fan of the nude look, the shade I’d normally opt for is Beige Instinct (11). For a mirror I use the little one hidden in my Bobbi Brown CREAMY CONCEALER KIT ($35.00) in shade Sand , which also comes in handy if my face decides to randomly break out right in the middle of a sunny day - cos you know, I do prefer to hide my pimples on-the-go. And did you notice the colour of my tiny mascara just right there!? Yes, yes - it’s blue! I have no idea why, but I’ve been recently loving the cheeky feel Eyeko’s Midnight Blue ($26.00) mascara gives to my eyes. Especially when I’ve forgotten to apply eyeliner, this product adds a little bit of something to my otherwise minimal everyday makeup. And as when it comes to the nude look - having great eyebrows is a must - you can always find an eyebrow product in my bag - today it’s the Max Factor Eyebrow Pencil in shade Hazel. 

As I?ve mentioned before, my hands tend to dry out a lot during the cold winter days, which is why I carry around with me this pretty HUGE Avene Creme as well as PocketBac Sanitizing Hand Gel by Bath & Body Works to apply beforehand ($1.75).

Of course, no matter the season, I?d always chuck in my bag a pair of shades. Recently, I’ve been wearing (quite excessively) my Mango Sunglasses that are big enough to hide the annoying morning puffiness. Talking about shades - did you notice my dioptric glasses? Yes, as  I?m quite short-sighted I have to wear them when I drive, if I wanna be able to drive this car of mine at all.

Since I purchased my Michael Kors red wallet, I’ve been carrying it around with me pretty much all the time. And you know what people say - red wallet = luck! So yeah. Me being superstitious! Apart from the wallet, you could spot my keys (in my cute Givenchy star key holder) and my LTA diary to write down… actually, who am I fooling? We all know that I’m not a ‘list’ person and if there’s something to write down I’d just do it on my phone. So, yeah, I have no idea why I carry this thing in my bag. And last but no least - my headphones (you, remember that I’m in the making of the soundtrack of my life) which I use pretty much all the time, and especially when I’m drafting a new post in some cute little coffee shop. Also, any opinions on my brand new Make One Good iPhone case (will be on sale very soon)? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the design, as that’s a project MoG and I have been recently working on.

Aw, and it’s so weird that there is no chewing gum on that photo! I used to be addicted to this evil thing, however, now being aware that chewing gym is a main reason for getting a bloated belly, I’ve swapped it for some organic minties, which however, I carry in my pocket.

That’s the content of my bag…and now it’s your turn to share…
What’s in YOUR BAG? 🙂


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