Travelling for the First Time as a Mommy

I missed travelling – packing my luggage, choosing my travel outfits, envisaging what I’d be doing while being away. The whole process somehow magically charges me with so much positive energy and happiness that only a day after arriving in Sofia I noticed that the dark circles under my eyes have completely disappeared and my skin has regained its original complexion. Prior to giving birth I had no clue that I would be able to fly with Sofia during the first few months, which made me quite anxious. But surprise-surprise it turned out we definitely could and there we were cosily snuggled on the airplane with Sofia-Malou being less than two months old.
Vila Faux Leather Pants (here) // French Connection Colour Block Coat (here) or Mango Pockets Wool Coat (here) // Zara Sneakers (here) // Missguided Rock Tee (here) // Quay Australia Harper Cat Sunglasses (here) // Asos Gold Stud Choker Necklace (here) // LeoWullf Anaconda Bag (here) or Pauls Boutique Exclusive Bethany Black Snake Structured Tote (here)
All the warnings that she would be crying a lot due to the high pressure (swallowing is a difficult task for the little babies so they could end up with very bad earache) remained only that. I was nursing her (we don’t use pacifier), while we were ascending and descending and she was joyful all the way to Bulgaria.
I was actually relieved to find out that we are able to travel together and that she tolerates flying at such an early age. My main concern before becoming a mother was that I wouldn’t be able to travel for a long time and will be stuck at home. I was wrong.
It’s all about fitting your baby in your lifestyle, which in my case involves a lot of travelling. The fact that I could fly with Sofia made me so incredibly happy and relieved. It seemed as if Sofia-Malou has also noticed the positive vibes I was giving off and she was smiling and giggling a lot.
I’ll be travelling every few months to break the routine Sofia and I have established at home. Routines make me miserable and the last thing I want is to radiate negative vibes when Sofia is around. What I’ve learned during the last two months is that when Philip and I are happy, so is she. Then it’s pretty essential that we, as all the other newbie parents, engage in doing things that make us happy and composed.
The outfit I chose for my first flight as a mommy wasn’t that mommy-esque at all. I went back to the 90’s with a sophisticated twist. A pair of faux-leather pants, combined with a punk top and colour-block coat that goes with my comfy platform trainers - perfect for a flight.
What about you? Have you travelling abroad with your little one yet?
So cool that you had your first travel experience with your baby <3
x Caroline