NEW VIDEO: WEIRDLY INTERNATIONAL // PART 2 ‘HOW TO BE A GENTLEMAN’ Part 2 of the episode ‘Weirdly International’ (‘How to be a gentlemen’) is up and living on my YouTube channel. The video was supposed to go live a week ago, but due to unforseen circumstances I delayed uploading it. Sending you all my love, A.
NEW VIDEO: WEIRDLY INTERNATIONAL // PART 1 Hey hey! Today I impulsively decided to post the first part of my new vlog ‘Weirdly International’ in which the girls and I are going for a pretty weird mix of Bulgarian/English talk. I guess that’s what happens when you bring together in one place 4 Bulgarian Expats. I hope you enjoy watching this little madness. Lots of love, A. xoxo
L for Lullaby. A couple of months have passed since I moved to Lyngby, a small city north of Copenhagen. Before I set foot here, I’d never imagined living in a small city, but here I am loving every bit of it. And, don’t get me wrong - I still get utter excitement from the thought of getting lost in the big city & exploring its hidden secrets, only this time I have someone to come along with me.With each passing day since I moved for good I’ve been coming in terms with the truth: my affection for starting over and travelling around was nothing but a way to repress my feelings, or lackings. Every day I’d wake up ready to conquer the city, make new friends, and pave my way in. It was like a game that ended the moment the car horns weren’t loud enough to silence my thoughts that I was incredibly ‘lonely’. I … Læs mere
NEW VIDEO: #FollowMeAround: Elfs in Action Hey lovely peeps. Today I’m taking you with me on a stroll around Copenhagen with my lovely E. and P. in the search of a cheeky gift aim to make a special one flash a big big smile. I hope you enjoy and make sure to send me your video requests. Love, A.
Mirrors. If there’s something I firmly believe in that would be that ‘life is what you make it’. In fact – life, friendships, love - it’s really up to you to shape them and then enjoy the fruit of your labour. the form they’d eventually take. When I moved to live in Cph, I was on an emotional rollercoaster. Ups & downs, utter excitement - suffocating apathy. My friends weren’t here, my family was miles away, and so was my comfort zone - left behind to gather dust the moment I locked the front door on my way to the airport. And while trying to convince myself that brighter days were yet to come, I just never really ended up believing in that. My mind was building sand castles that my disbelief was tearing down And just like that August came. Eli was supposed to visit me. I hadn’t seen her for … Læs mere