Happy Brunching with D. When I moved to Denmark I found out ‘brunch’ is a ‘Holy Grail’ word here. Okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, especially knowing that religion is anything but on pedestal around – but, well, you know what I mean. Danes Just Love Their Brunch. Full-stop. So if you’re a local - there is really no need to further convince you in the accuracy of that statement, and if you’re an expat like me – you should have learned by now that brunch is ‘da thing’. But, of course, sometimes, when you live abroad, what you really need is someone to open up the door and show you through their eyes ‘how’ that brand new place actually is. Moving to Denmark was a massive challenge. All I could remember thinking back was that constant sense of suffocating loneliness that was blocking me from seeing & believing that things would eventually get better. … Læs mere
My Writer’s Block: Silently Grieving & Dealing With Loss I used to know how to cope with my inability to concentrate and find a way back to my work mode. I’d wander around the city until my body gets aligned with its buzzing rhythm. I’d let its electricity run through my veins - a river of life that would flow right within and set my mind on fire. Then I’d fine a cozy café, snuggle in the corner with headphones in my ears writing down my soul & expressing all that I feel. I have my good & bad days. Days when inspiration is flowing out of me the moment my eyes splurge on daylight… and others when my mind fails to turn its messy thoughts into flawless texts. Life should be more than following patterns, more than spending day-in, day-out earning money to provide and secure our families. More than dedicating all those hours in front of the mirror trying to … Læs mere
THE ‘PANTSUIT’ CRAZE Does the 1980’s Melanie Griffith’s image from ‘Working Girl’ rings a bell? Pantsuits and power dressing have long gone hand-in-hand, especially when we talk women climbing the corporate ladder. I remember the days when my mom first joined a corporation and had to completely restructure her wardrobe. The jeans were left to gather dust, with brand new monochrome suits and shirts mostly white & perfectly ironed resting on the hangers.Back in the day I thought she looked bizarre - it was almost as if she was wearing a petite version of a men’s suit. Little did I know back than what a powerful weapon clothes could be in the ‘gender-making’ game.So all I could see was that the cuts were boring, the fits anything but flattering, and the colours? Plain and unspectacular. Well, fast forward almost 20 years later - the odds are now totally in favour of the ‘women pantsuit’ that is now a staple … Læs mere
#CPHFW FW16: The ‘Faux’ is the Real Deal So Copenhagen Fashion Week FW16 is officially over, but the buzz surrounding the new fashion season is definitely not. And while some of the trends to be spotted weren’t at all unexpected, others surely caught me by surprise. Tomorrow I’ll bring to your attention the looks I loved the most and quirky pieces that made me rethink the way I style my clothes. And what about my outfit of the day? During day 1 I played it safe with neutral colours and went for that casually chic outfit, combining my beige faux fur coat by ASOS with a pair of faux leather pants.Vintage Faux Fur Coat Asos (here) // Faux Leather Pants by Millie Macintosh (here) // Bag Leo Wulff (here) //Ray Ban Sunglasses (here) // Alternative to my boots by New Look (here) // Weekday Oversized White Shirt (here)A cheeky selfie with my photographer Presi … Læs mere
Sun In Your Eyes Warm, skin-kissing, wonderful sunays - I’ve missed you. A few days ago Philip and I went to meet up with Aimee and Aidan - friends of mine from England. What am I talking about really? Aimee is, in fact, the person I associate England with. We spent a few brilliant years there, living together throughout the blissful University times. So, to be pretty honest, while the sunny weather did caught us by surprise, it wasn’t really the sun that warmed my heart. And that’s a good lesson to be learned - even if the wintery weather sometimes gets too much - remember all the other things that have the power to bring back the sun in your life. Maybe a surprise visit from a friend, a cozy evening spent at home with those you love the most… or maybe just spending time all by yourself and being happy that you’re here, that … Læs mere