I opened the door to face the postman grinning at me, while handing me a box.‘Your signature, please’, in Danish of course, but after hearing that sentence so many times, I just did the requested and offered back the polite ‘Tak’. I haven’t ordered anything from ASOS and I had no clue what Queen Elizabeth II had to do with my parcel. But there it was the English stamp and a label that had my name beautifully inscribed. Like a girl, I unwrapped the box with utmost curiosity to catch a glimpse of an envelope with ‘Eti’ on the top, a little heart over the ‘I’ and three xxx. ‘AIMEEE!’ We first met a few hours after all of my suitcases were finally piled up in my room. Thankfully, the freshers’ were offered a hand from the student reps, who were all a year or two ahead. We lived in the same halls … Læs mere
Most of you are probably perfectly aware that I’m vegetarian or pascatarian to be more precise. I haven’t had meat since I was 14, and I tried to start eating it again when I was in University. But it never managed to grow up on me so I thought - if I don’t like the taste of meat why would I force myself having it? I knew there were alternative ways to provide my body with sufficient amount of protein without eating meat (think beans, soy and all that), so I just went for that option instead. I’ve been asked plenty of times whether I quit meat because I care about the animals way too much. Well, I do care, of course, but that’s not the reason behind my choice. Misguided Faux Fur Coat (here) // Asos Bodycon Dress (here) // Leowulff Anaconda Petrol Gold Bag (here) // Alternative to the … Læs mere
It’s not a big surprise that pregnancy changes you a lot. But seriously, before it happened to me I haven’t considered even for a second to extent to which it would change my life. Hyperactivity Revised I can’t even recall the last time I had a nap before I got pregnant. Coz probably it never happened. Having a productive day meant being on the go since early in the morning until half-way through the night. Then, and only then, I’d feel satisfied enough to allow myself to go to bed. Currently, I can’t even imagine getting up before 8 and hit the gym straight away. I tried at the beginning to keep up with my hectic schedule of working, blogging, recording videos, going to events and socializing – but nah my body just refused to obey. My energy levels went down close to zero until I finally realised– things were changing and … Læs mere
It’s been a long time. Too long really. Not that I wasn’t inspired to write or anything, but having ‘morning sickness’ pretty much 24/7 did contribute a lot for my lack of energy and crazy sleeping habits. Plus, it didn’t feel right to talk about something that in head was still way too surreal to in any way comprehend. But that ’something’ now is ‘THE THING’ and not talking about it would be pretty inadequate. And here I am ready to roll and add another twist to my blog. So even though the morning sickness was accompanying me 24/7 serving as a piercing reminder that my body was rapidly changing and that LIFE was growing inside me. SAY FREAKIN’ WHAT!? It wasn’t until a week ago that it all became my reality. For those of you who know me it’s not a surprise that being a mom was never a priority. I … Læs mere
With the slam of the door I already knew that my plan to sleep in wasn’t really happening today. And well – I was feeling way too embarrassed to snuggle under the duvet longer than that. ‘Successful people don’t waste their time sleeping’ I reminded myself of a tip from a motivational book I’d recently read. ‘Get your a** outta the bed!’ It’d been a long time since I last was all fresh and active at 6:55 AM, even though Philip would have already taken his first shot of caffeine by then. ‘You need to step your game’ hissed the tiny voice in my head. I poured a cup of cold milk and dedicated a few minutes to going through the news – another promise I’d made to myself. ‘Shit!’ Why were my knuckles all ORANGE and weird?Alternative to my oversized shirt (here) // Bag (here) // Berenford Shades (here) // Suede Boots … Læs mere