My Top 3 Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy During The Festive Season

December is here and with that the festive mood, parties… and the delicious meals.
But even after a year of working out hard and eating lean and clean, it’s relatively easy to fall into the trap of those blissful days and let all your effort go to hell.
So here there are my top 3 tips for staying fit this month 🙂
Exercise every day 10-15 minutes before work
Why? Because December is the right time to impulsively join that cool Christmas party or go to the movies with a friend. And if you’re into working out in the evenings, you will be facing a tough!? choice - should I hit the gym or go to that amazing Christmas party with that cute dude?? Well….
Start your morning with a quick workout to set the mood for the rest of the day. This will also help you make wiser choices concerning the food you will be consuming at the parties you attend in the evenings. The chances are that you will be much less willing to overeat knowing that you have given your best in the morning and you will be doing the same in a few hours times.
- To make sure you don’t slack off - add the workouts you want to do to your phone’s calendar and make sure to set an alarm before each one! That’s the extra push you’ll need when you decide to skip the workout 🙂 And then all the sudden you hear the reminder and ‘Okaaay, it’s only 10 minutes. I can do it!’ That’s the thing with short workouts - they are effective because you them more often + they are short so they seem much less scary 🙂
- Take the stairs rather than the elevator or walk a little bit further if you use the public transportation. No matter how much we try to stay fit during the festive season, the odds are that we’ll be eating more and less healthy food. So use every occasion you have to get moving no matter how counterintuitive it feels when all you want to do is have fun and enjoy a glass of wine (or more).
What about those glasses of wine?
I’m a wino! But I’m also a healthy living advocate so I do make sure to not drink too much.
- I add ICE to my wine. Okay, it’s a crime to add ice to your red wine - so I do NOT do that 🙂 But with any other type - Give me more! Alcohol dehydrates so by adding ice I drink less alcohol and finish the glass more slowly . I make sure to have water all the time when I’m drinking alcohol to hydrate myself and not use an extra glass of wine for that purpose 🙂
- I’m not into the spirits but if YOU are - skip the sugary fizzy drinks which make your VODKA a caloric bomb and instead add lemon, soda and ice. It’s not gonna be the tastiest drink, which is good news though as you won’t be willing to consume too much of it. You will be saving yourself CALORIES… plus, we all know that spirits aren’t really that good for you, right? 🙂
Eat Regularly
I’m also guilty of starving myself during the day to be able to indulge in more food in the evenings. But now that I’m no longer teenager, I realise the importance of eating regularly and I’ve quit that destructive habit long ago.
So when it comes to your eating habits during the festive season, make sure to eat lots of fruits and veggies during the day as you won’t be stumbling upon lots of them at the parties you attend. Also, I have recently begun to follow Tanya Zuckerbrot’s advice to combine fibres and protein - they will keep you full longer and when you hit the party you won’t be eating the first thing that crosses your path (yoghurt + berries; fibre crackers + salmon; almond butter on a peace of apple)
- I normally start the day with a bowl of oatmeal or smoothie with nuts, chia… as I will be facing lots of bread and pastry in the evenings.
And with all that said - ENJOY December and remember - the world won’t end if you have a few pieces of cake. As long as you keep moving and remind yourself that January is just around the corner - I’m sure you will be perfectly fine and do great!
Cheers xx
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