But with Christmas just around the corner there is not much time for that. Plus, the hype surrounding the festive season has definitely inspired me to be constantly out and about, choosing decorations for my flat, looking for unique and personalised presents, while simultaneously managing my work projects.
Let me tell you a story.
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The pain was so excruciating that I had to turn to the tablets to get immediate relief. Little did I know back than that my system would end up so sick and tired of my excessive painkillers intake (I?d been also on quite heavy painkillers in the hopes to numb my period pains) that it would eventually develop an allergy towards everything that contains Paracetamol/Ibuprofen which are basically found in each and every tablet that you’d normally take when you’re ill and have fever. Brilliant, eh? And as I completely refuse to go back to the hospital because of my drug allergy (that makes my lips expand twice their size, and no it doesn’t suit my face, and cover my entire body with rash) I had to learn to boost my immune system myself without relaying on tablets.
To ensure that your immune system is intact stock your body also with some Zinc. To name a few rich in Zinc food: spinach, cashews, beans and - wait for it ? dark chocolate, which according to recent research contains more than most fruit juices. Bliss, eh!? Come on, get it out of the cupboard 🙂
2. Don?t worry be happy!
It?s been scientifically proven that when you excessively worry about getting sick, your cortisol and epinephrine levels rise and weaken your immune system!
And in my experience that?s 100% true! Even when I feel a bit poorly I refuse to stay in bed and act like a victim to the illness. Instead I stock my fridge with tons of vitamins in the form of fruits and veggies, drink plenty of water and tea and voila in a day or so I feel 10 times better. And as Northrup concludes: ‘Whenever nitric oxide levels are high — from anything ranging from positive thought to exercise - you’re actually improving your resistance to disease’
‘The explanation isn’t that extroverts interact with more people, and therefore have immunity to that virus. There’s something about being extroverted that seems to protect people.’ So come on guys! Go out and meet up with your friends!
5. Get enough sleep!
Yes, red wine is way too rich in antioxidants to miss out on it! So why not have a few sips of it with your yummy dinner?
7. Keep your hands away from your face
Especially when you’re out and about you don’t want to allow any viruses coming near your face. Aw, and let me debunk this myth: when its freezing cold you?re actually less likely to get a virus as viruses tend to also freeze! Worry if the temperature skyrockets up, as that?s when the viruses start spreading like a plague.
8. The Holy Trio: Honey, Lemon and Ginger!
What I?d normally have whenever I feel a bit down or simply for a quick boost of energy ? I either add some of this magical mixture to my tea, or have a spoonful of it.
Aw. and here you go a few facts about the great benefits of the Holly Ginger: Fights the Flu/Cold; Detoxifies the body/Clears Sinuses/ Pahrodisiac/ Reduces Muscle Pain and Inflamantion/ Helps ease migrains and menstrual pain/ Alleviates motion sickness and nausea.
Nuff said.
I hope my few secrets helped. If you have any other tips and tricks for boosting up the immune system let me know in the comments below.
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