My New Arm Candy: Pandora Double Blue Leather Bracelet

My New Arm Candy: Pandora Double Blue Leather Bracelet
Okay, when I was in Uni, I just couldn?t get all the hype surrounding Pandora. Honestly, almost every girl was a proud owner of one and was receiving a cute charm every now and then. And me, rebelling against most things mainstream, I just never got tempted today my hands on a bracelet like theirs. And here I’m today blogging my heart out from Danish Land…or may I say Pandora’s Land? Little did I know that Pandora was actually first established here, in Copenhagen! I got the chance to learn that fact the very day I left Bulgaria and met up with Ina to say our goodbyes. The moment she saw me she handed over to me a cute white bag. I quickly unwrapped the gift and spotted this absolutely amazing Pandora Double Blue Leather Bracelet (here) with two charms already put on it. First, let me tell you something ? I?m a bracelet girl. I can skip the earrings as well as the necklaces ? but bangles, bracelets, watches ? they are sooooooo my thing. And in contrast to the classic Pandora silver bracelet, the one I received just shouted ?Antoinette’ and went perfectly with the strap of my Daniel Wellington watch (here) which I?ve been wearing ALL THE FREAKIN? time since I got it for Christmas. But what truly smitten were the two little charms that Ina had already added to the bracelet - a little suitcase with DK (Denmark) encrusted on it as well as a tiny OWL ? the symbol of wisdom ? a reference to an injoke we used to make.

Any thoughts on the Pandora’s bracelets? Are you also a proud owner of one?
Lots of love,
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