Life’s been crazily hectic lately. With me applying for jobs and trying to keep up with my blog and YouTube channel - aaaeuhfisuvsi. Now and then I feel that my head is about to explode.
But it won’t as when it comes to down to what inspires me the most - well, it’s surely when I have no time to sit and think about life. Coz, man! That’s when I feel completely overwhelmed. Outfit: Faux Fur Gilet Misguided (here) // ASOS Farleigh Jeans (here) // Dr Denim Suede Biker Jacket (here) // FTC Turtleneck (here) // H by Hudson Crispin Brown Ankle Boots (here) // Whistles Leather Bag (here) //Calvin Klein Sunglasses (here)
And while being in a work mode makes me perfectly happy - well, everyone needs break once in a while, which is why I decided to spend my afternoon in a ‘hygge’ company with two amazing friends - in the city. The three of us went to ‘The Coffee Factory’ snuggled right in the middle of the city - a favourite place of mine (and as a matter of fact of most of the bloggers in town). I couldn’t help myself and grabbed a piece of Banana Bread (whose taste is purely divine) as well as a cup of perfectly ‘crafted’ cappuccino (with one shot espresso - always!).
So after a cosy afternoon with my friends, I’m back to working on my job applications, and you, if you plans to pay Copenhagen a cheeky visit (which you definitely should) make sure to visit ‘The Coffee Factory’, a place that’s the ultimate definition of the Danish ‘hygge’.
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