January Beauty Favourites

January Beauty Favourites
Where are my fashion posts!? Well, in the near future - when the sun stays out (actually when the sun comes out) so that my camera is actually able to capture the outfit in a blog-perfect way. #LifeInDanmark
So today rather than going into the vicious circle of negative thinking and spitefully blaming the weather for my work-related problems - I made the rational decision to use the occasion to share with you what my current ‘beauty’ favourites are.
But, please, a close-up first.
1. Punk Bouquet Body Soufflé by ‘& other Stories’ (here) If for some mysterious reason you’ve never tried the ‘Bath & Body’ products by ‘& other Stories’ before, it’s time that you fixed that misunderstanding and let your senses celebrate. It took me quite some time to actually pick my scent among the zillion of brilliant ones the brand offer. And after years of refusing to come to terms with reality, that choice of a body creme made me finally acknowledge that - everything vanilla/fruity scented smells good on my skin. No wonder why I’d always go for perfumes that most people don’t really get and consider overly sweet and sugary… Aw, and P.S. - their body soufflés are also incredibly hydrating and perfectly suitable to nourish your dry skin winter skin.
2. Chanel Vitalumiére Aqua (SPF15) (here) My all time favourite foundation, which while with a light to medium coverage, somehow manages to give the skin that luminous and picture-perfect finish. Actually, that’s my choice of foundation especially during winter when my blemishes tend to disappear. Also, because of its lighter formula the spots issue is no longer an issue at all…For best results apply with your cute little beauty blender.
3. Dior ‘Couture Colour’ Royale (here) Yoanna, a friend of mine (Happy Birthday, Yoshi!!!) surprised me with that absolutely gorgeous lipstick when we saw each other during Christmas. The colour of this lipstick is the seductive ‘Royale’ red - a colour you’d normally opt to when you wanna impress your date. And most importantly, it’s the perfect choice for winter when the tan is long forgotten and the skin is white as snow.
And you - what are your current beauty favourites?
That lipstick is GORGEOUS!!!!!! lovely post