‘I Have No Clothes’ Now What!?

‘I Have No Clothes’ Now What!?
The good old ?I have no clothes?… But really don?t you? Or is it just an excuse for being late, going wild with your credit card, and even skipping a night out?
And honestly, before this Fashion Week, I would say that phrase at least once a day and using it to excuse my laziness for not coming up with a new outfit with the clothes I already have. But with me moving to Copenhagen and all the expenses that came with it ? well, I was basically forced to change. With the whole spending money on clothes quickly going on the bottom of my list ? I just had to figure out a way to work with the clothes I already have ? which is basically a few staple basics and around 5 signature pieces. All my other clothes I gave off to people before I left Bulgaria.
So, the evening before the launch of #CPHFW I panicked. My excitement turned into massive anxiety and I was running from one room to another murmuring
‘What do I wear, what do I wear?I was trying on one outfit after another, carefully inspecting the result in the mirror. Only a few minutes later, I had all three brand new looking outfits laid on my bed. It was precisely my ? I have no clothes ? attitude and lack of money to spend on clothes that forced me to get creative and try out something new. Guess what? It worked!
So, next time when you feel like you wanna stay in or skip that amazing opportunity because you have nothing to wear ? just d-r-o-p that. What you could do is take a statement piece and try to dress it up and down ? and just like that you have two entirely different looking outfits suitable for a cocktail and a coffee downtown.. By only changing the accessories and hairstyle, you?re also changing the whole vibe that you wanna give off.On day 2 of #CPHFW I went for my Zara Romper with a black hat, tote and heels. And, of course, I?ve worn it before ? actually, a few weeks back Filip and I went to Nyhavn for an afternoon walk when I walk it for the first time. To make it look more casual (plus comfy ? you know me and my cycling), I combined it with suede ?cowboy? boots in camel, a messenger bag in the same colour, brown sunglasses and my brand new wooden watch by Jord.
Rather than getting frustrated, use your ?I have no clothes? attitude to get creative and get out of your comfort zone. Believe it or not, if you carefully examine your closet, I?m pretty sure you?ll dig out quite a few pieces that you?ve actually never worn before. So take them out, and combine them with a your favourite skirt/parts. It?s not a crime to wear the same clothes over and over again. It?s the ability to come up with creative combinations in stressful ?fashion week? type of situations is what being ?a fashionista? is all about.
It?s similar to when your fridge is almost empty and you think ?Aw, there?s nothing to eat? when you KNOW that you can always come up with a dish from all the ingredients forgotten in the corners.Any thoughts on how I?ve dressed down this romper?
love your style! so great, and you so prettey 🙂 them boots, and dress… mm mm! perfect combo!
Vaida @ https://www.donttellanyone.net/blog