
I woke up with that overwhelming feeling that just begged me to get a break from life.
I?ve spent the last month overthinking everything ? and actually trying to get in terms with the fact that my life has ?for real? turned around. But in the process of investing all of my energy in doing so, I?ve been lacking sufficient energy to engage in anything else. Hence, my lack of activity here and lack of being present when I?m not by myself.
And wasn?t I the one who always says that the first step to experiencing ?happiness? is actually being ?present? at that very moment; letting your senses indulge in the aroma of your morning coffee, rich flavor of that freshly baked ?jule? (Christmas) cinnamon bun, and freshness of the autumn wind brushing against your cheeks.
Earlier today I went for a stroll around the ?hygge? Lyngby, walking the autumn carpet of leaves and paying attention to the crisp sound that my shoe sole made when kissing the leaves.
I felt so ?hygge? despite the grey whether and drizzle soaking up into my socks. The lack of sunrays and thick clouds veiling the sky ? nothing had the power to put a shade on my smile and what I felt on the inside. All I wanted was to sway in the rhythm of the leaves falling from the trees.
Well, yeah, today is what you make out of it? so are the emotions you let yourself experience.
And today I?m having a ?hygge? day with ?myself?, finally allowing my mind to ?relax? and letting my emotions thrive.
And you? Ready to let yourself loosen up just enjoy that very moment?
P.S. Honestly, how much bread can you eat a day? Since I discovered the Danish ‘ryndstykker’ I literally cannot get enough of them, which is why I’m off to Zumba now.
Speak soon,
I think it’s important for us all to take a break for ourselves, sometimes. Appreciating the smallest of things, like simple sounds and smells, can really help to turn things around when you’re feeling miserable. I’m glad you’re feeling better 🙂
Alice / Alice Grace Beauty