Still Breastfeeding While Gradually Introducing Solids

Embracing the Transition with a Spring-Fresh Look

letters-to-a-sun-copenhagenChange is never easy. The transition grabs you by the hand and takes you on a journey - sometimes rocky, sometimes smooth - but always exciting because you’re on your way to some place new.
Even the seasonal transition can be tricky.
Do you ever get the so called ‘Spring Break Blues’?
I’ve decided to embrace the transition and celebrate it like a Dane! Going for a Spring fresh look despite the chilly wind.
letters-to-a-sun-copenhagen-springBodysuit by Missguided (here) and (here) // Bag by LeoWulff (here) // Alternative to my sunglasses Quay Australia (here) // Mohito Pants (here) and Alternative (here) // Reebok Sneacks (here)letters-to-a-copenhagen-spring1When the sun comes out - everyone goes nuts. I mean, seriously! The other day people were already sunbathing and it was just above 14 C. degrees.
Me? I just thought it was time to walk my new white sneaks and wear something other than the standard grey. I also went for my all-time favourite camouflage see-through bodysuit, because, who cares? When the sun comes out everyone behaves as if the summer has arrived. letters-to-a-spring2letters-to-a-spring
Let me know what you think about this look in the comments below,

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Still Breastfeeding While Gradually Introducing Solids