A Great Tip To Keep Your Clothes Looking Like New

Seriously, there’s nothing more annoying than buying a new lacy/fancy dress or a nice chiffon shirt and having to think about how to maintain it. Especially if we talk ‘going out piece’, it’s more likely that only after one evening of rocking it out you’d have to wash it or send it to the local dry-cleaners (which could get a lil’ bit pricey). I don’t even want to mention ironing - oh my - how many times I’ve managed to ruin (burn) some of my favourite clothes and, of course, in line with Murphy’s law, seconds before stepping out of the door. So you can only imagine the panic of trying to come up with another outfit.
But lucky me, since I moved to Denmark, I’ve been stumbling upon so many cool and overly useful household appliances. And just as I was researching the ways in which I could maintain my brand new ‘Misguided Dress’ I stumbled upon the video below.
It turns out the Swedish company ‘Electrolux’ has decided to facilitate us passionate fashionistas, enabling you to refresh your clothes, without having to wash them at all!
Say what!?
Yes, by using steam ‘Electrolux’ will remove the grease from your shirt and make it look brand new. Aw, and most importantly, no matter how gentle and delicate the material is - you’re safe to go as the steam cannot ruin it at all! Hooray! And what Scandinavia impresses me with the most is the attention it always pays to the environment - and ‘Electrolux’s great solution for your most precious clothes serves as the perfect example of that.
Philip and I will be moving to a new flat when the little one arrives - so I have a cheeky idea of the new washing machine we’re going to buy.
*Sponsoreret indlæg
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