After years and years of refusing to try sunglasses with regular-sized frames because, well, I thought my square face would look even more exaggeratedly square & big, here I am - finally an owner of my first pair of ‘Berenford’ shades, uni-sex and handmade in the Italian Alps, with a stylish frame that’s just the right size for my face.
It took me a few minutes to actually accept my face in that frame, but then all of a sudden I realised that enough is enough - no more hiding behind my oversized shades. The perfectionist in me has been picking for way too long on every single facial disfigurement it noticed, unable to see that in fact my face is no different to anyone else’s. Because the truth is - that’s the way we are - asymmetrical, imperfect, yet unique in ever possible way. So the time has finally come for me to expand my shades collection and add new shapes and sizes to it that in the past I had no balls to wear.
The pair I got carries the spirit of the vibrant Barcelona - no wonder why it’s named after one of the most vibrant and whimsical cities in the world. The colour of the frame is 100% spot on for my taste - green tortoise & leopard animal print in one? Yes, please!
Below you can see the promo of the newly established brand (that’s what happens when you live in Denmark - it’s all about finding unique and independent designers), which completely blew me away.
Now ‘Berenford’ has three models (‘Steve’, ‘London’, Barcelona’) and multiple of colours to choose from.
I’m more than excited to see the new models that brand is cooking up.
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