3 Things I See Differently Since I Became A Mother

My experience as a newbie mommy has changed me a lot - not only in the way I do things, but also in the way I think of and understand life and all that’s happening around me. I catch myself reacting in ways that used to be far from typical for me and for the first time I managed to set my priorities straight. So let’s talk three things that my experience as a newbie mom has changed for me.
The Way I Choose To Spend My Time
If you know me, you’re probably aware that I’m a social butterfly. Being surrounded by people, constantly communicating be it face-to-face or over the phone charges me with so much energy, I end up feeling that I can conquer the world. I believED. Today, I’m much more selective in how I choose to spend my time and whom I choose to spend it with. Sofia-Malou and I are inseparable, which means that I’ve spent a lot of time contemplating on my priorities and drawing conclusions. Family comes first - something that back in the day I never understood. It was always and all about my friends, with my family coming second. The curse of social-buttefly-ing? That’s the fear of missing out. You get so carried away that at a certain point you fail to clearly see what’s wasting your time and what’s worth investing it in. Those days are in the past and with that a lot of stress has lifted off my shoulders. It doesn’t bother me that I can’t join my friends to a wild party and drink a little too much. I’d much rather go and have a lovely dinner with my closest ones, rather than spend an evening surrounded by many, but yet being utterly alone in the crowd.
Healthy living - Nothing excessive
My healthy living habits, now I realise, was on the verge of being orthorexic. I used to skip lunch and eat a vegan cake instead. I was having way too much soy milk (thankfully I quit drinking it after getting my period a few times a month due its high level of estrogen), veggies and fruits, and way too little nutritious meals. Things have changed a lot and skipping a meal in oder to indulge in a cake is no longer an option. I’d just have both. I have reached the conclusion that if I don’t look after myself and provide my body with the nutrients it needs, I can end up very unwell, which would also have massive repercussions for my baby girl. Plus, if I’m obsessing over what I eat, she could end up doing so too - and that’s a risk I’m not willing to take. So now I exercise less, eat more, make sure that my body produces more milk to satisfy Sofia’s needs, and ultimately, do things in moderation. Yes, it’s all about that.
My Understanding of Breastfeeding
Only a month before getting pregnant, I would have just raised an eyebrow in response to your question where I’d be willing to breastfeed one day. Me - the upbeat city girl? You kidding, me right? I didn’t understand it, I couldn’t even look at mommies that were breastfeeding their babies. I wouldn’t even notice them and if I did - I just found it disturbing.
And then I got pregnant.
From day 1 I knew I wanted to give everything I could for my little one. Philip and I discussed that there is only one thing that you cannot buy for your baby - and that’s its mommy’s milk. Of course, you can supply it from other nursing moms, but it’s not the same. I invest a lot of energy and effort in eating well in order to ensure that my milk is fat enough to meet Sofia’s needs.
It’s so time consuming and exhausting to prepare meals, nurse, and wake up countless times a night - but the moment this little one latches on and strokes me with her little hands - it’s all freakin’ worth it. Then neither the tiredness, nor the never-ending dedication seem in any way relevant. I refuse to pump out milk just yet - which many people have advised me to do in order to be able to go out and enjoy a few hours off my mommy duty. Because it works both ways - me nursing her and providing for her needs (both physically and emotionally) and also feeling the satisfaction of being able to do so - because yes, I love breastfeeding. And I have no problems breastfeeding everywhere I go, because if you want to do it, you can always do it without drawing any attention. I have actually managed to breastfeed without my friends even realising that I’ve fed my little one in their presence. With that said - I’ve become a milky mommy and I’m more than proud to say it, but I also get it if you don’t.
What has changed for you since you became a mommy?
More about my BF experience - here
On becoming a mommy - here
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