October 30, 2014

October Favourites 2014
Honestly, up until this year, I’ve never understood the hype that surrounds the month of October. 
I’ve always associated October and November with transition - you know, from the hot summer days to the festive cosy winter. Not this year. This year, October was quite whimsical for me and while reminiscing about the great moments I've had, I felt inspired to share with you a few things that impressed me over the last few weeks.

Last week I went to grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks whose taste, quite frankly, is close to divine. However, as I’m trying to reduce my milk intake and have as a substitute soy/almond milk , I decided to try and make a vegan version of the spice chai latte at home. When I tasted my creation I came to the striking realisation that coffee shops put excessive amounts of sweeteners in their drinks. The latte I made had almost savoury taste, even though I'd added around 3 spoons of honey to it. Just imagine how much sugar Starbucks (or as a matter of fact any other coffee shop) uses in their hot drink. No wonder why I always feel bloated after having a Pumpkin Spice Latter or why my mouth goes completely dry. So just like that I made the healthier decision to prepare my Chai Lattes at home and only once in a while 'treat' myself with a Starbucks Spice drink. Now, enough with the ramblings and time for the recipe.

The ingredients:
Some water
1 Cinnamon Stick
2 tea bags (I used Darjeeling)
Grounded Cinnamon
Grounded Nutmeg
Grounded Ginger 
1 Vanilla Stick
2 Cardamon Pods
1/3 tsp cloves
2-3 tbsp of honey or any other sweetener
2-3 cups of non-dairy milk (I used soy)
Put the spices and tea bags in a pot of boiling water and simmer the liquid for around 10 minutes.
Discard the tea bags and add the milk and sweetener.
Simmer for a little bit longer.
Strain the liquid into your teacup and devour!

And just while sipping my chai latte I really wanted to share with you where I first fell in love with the Chai - The Bean NYC (here). If you ever get the chance to visit the place - their Chai Latte is nothing like any other Chai you've ever tasted before (or you'd probably ever taste again). I have no idea what their secret ingredient is, however,  I do know that I was pretty addicted to the drink. I used to go to Union Square and grab a Medium Chai every single day. For A Month. Nuff Said.

2. FILM: IN YOUR EYES (2014)
Last Sunday, E, came over to mine for dinner. We were so tired from the party we'd attended the previous night, that we couldn't wait to play a movie and indulge in some sushi. We stumbled upon In Your Eyes (with the girl from Ruby Sparks in it!)
It did have amazing reviews and high IMBD score, however, as I have quite weird preferences when it comes to books and movies, I was quite skeptical towards what initially seemed as a cheesy love drama. Well, though the fatigue kept on doing its best to shut my eyes completely, I simply couldn't take them off the screen! The cinematography was impressive, and for quite some time I felt as if I was also present in the film, staring directly at the character's eyes, sensing the surrounding them scents, feeling the wind that was cheekily playing with their hair. And don’t worry! I'm no going to ruin it all for you by offering a summary of the story... But you know?
When the closing credits came up all I could think of was love (lame, eh?).
And no matter how unrealistic it might sound, the film does teach a lesson.
The actors somehow manage to persuade you that 'love' happens when you're finally able to subjectively see the world from the eyes of your partners, and still remain impartial while accepting it just as it is; that 'love' happens when you've finally created a magical world within the ordinary one in which we all reside; that 'love' happens when no matter the distance - you still can sense them, feel them and touch them with your heart.

The moment I first tried ‘Rimmel Wake Me Up’ - I was more than impressed. Due to my dry skin I’ve always found it incredibly difficult to find a product that would settle well on my skin, without making it look worn out. Over the years, I’ve tried pretty much all brands that offer products for dry skin and, honestly, that’s the only foundation that's helped me achieve the dewy look that I so much wanted. During the summer months I didn't feel the need to use any foundation as I was quite tanned 
and my moisturiser (here) + bronzer were more than enough for me to achieve a natural look. However, with my tan almost gone and pretty chilly weather, I thought that it's about time that I 're-pauseed' my favourite foundation (‘Rimmel Wake Me Up’foundation - 300 Sand).
The only drawback is the lack of diversity in the shades Rimmel offer. However, if you also suffer from dry skin (or wanna keep it moisturised in the cold winter days) I suggest you hit the closest drugstore and check out whether there's a shade suitable for you, as if so, I'm pretty certain you’ll be falling in love too <3.


It was a Saturday and I was wandering around the little shops downtown. Actually, one of my ultimate obsessions is discovering new organic (farmer’s) shops and getting my snacks from there. Well, while decisively heading towards my favourite independent boutique, a little wooden door peaked my curiosity. Once I stepped inside the store I got more than excited! It was time for me to dig through the shelves of this newly opened health food store... until these little round goldies caught my eye . I had no idea what they were until the shop assistant shouted from behind the counter - Golden Inca Berries. And seriously look at them! I really thought that they were a cross between a sultana and a fig. But in contrast to either of these, Incan berries have a bit of a sour taste which makes them less sugary (great news for the ones who don’t have sweet tooth). I was so happy to have found them as I was getting way too bored of the dried blueberries I’d normally indulge in as a substitute of chocolate.
And what about their nutritional value? Well, could you imagine that these little yummies contain around 16% protein, which I - the vegetarian who’s currently converting to a vegan diet - is very pleased with! To name a few other benefits of the snack: they're rich in Vitamin C (you can actually taste it!) Vitamin A, P, iron and pectin (supports digestion + prevents high sugar levels) 
Actually while typing this post, I’m devouring what’s left in the package. Yum!!!!

If you follow me on Intagram (antoinettepepe) or Facebook (letterstoantoinette) you've probably noticed that there's been a slight change in regards to my workout routine. Rather than attending Zumba classes a few times a week, I've been slowly getting more and more into Pilates.

Quite frankly, it'd never crossed my mind that Pilates would be in any way difficult for a person who's used to working out, nor that it could actually do any wonders for my body.  Well, after having attended quite a few Pilates Classes during October the only thing I can tell you - go online, find the closest gym that offers a class - GIVE IT A TRY.
And even though I still <3 Zumba and I'm more than happy with what I've achieved since I started
practicing it, I really needed to add something fresh and new to my workout routine so that I don't sick of Zumba. And you know - being a shorty (5'2''; 160 cm) I have to be very careful with the type of workouts I choose, as it's relatively easy for my body to end up being bulky (as it happens if I hit the gym or go to Body Kombat). Since I've started attending Pilates, however, I've noticed the precise opposite - my body is becoming leaner, more flexible with my abs strengthening quite quickly.
And Pilates does remain a mystery to me: you dedicate an hour of your day to Pilates, leave the class with no sweat, and yet feel overly toned up and refreshed.
And I really wanna leave you with this great quote by Pilates: 'Physical Fitness can neither be acquired by wishful thinking nor by outright purchase'.
You know what you gotta do!
And you? What are the things you've ended up loving this month?

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