February 27, 2014

The star that helped 'me' shine
Hey angel,
The other day as I stepped into my dressing room, mulling over the outfit that I was going to pull off for the day, I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the bright colours that were filling the room and dazzling my eyes.

A few quite quirky boohoo shirts caught my eye - one in bright blue and the other - in salmon. I reached my hand for the salmon and smiled to myself. Only a few months earlier my closet had nothing to do with the room I was currently wandering in. The bright colours were actually “blacks”, the white(s) were nowhere to be seen. Back then the room did resemble a cave, I’m not gonna lie. And I used to love the way it was.

Actually, when I entered a boutique, my body was somehow always lured by the dark garments…and genuinely, leaving the shop without purchasing at least a few black items was simply impossible  (tell me about shopping addiction). Pacing down the street with a blissful step, I was seemingly floating rather than walking. Yes, I was always rather delighted by my latest purchases anticipating with excitement to get back to my flat and try them on again.

And there I was, standing still, holding my cup of tea, staring at the pile of black textile that I’d bought and spread all over my bed.

The black was contrasting to my cosy bedroom all “dressed” up in pastel. And though my obvious affinity towards soft and ethereal surroundings, I’d never had the guts to wear myself in light.

Until one day V. introduced me to B - a friend of his, towards whom I was quite hesitant at first. I smiled at her, she didn’t respond. I tried to make conversation - she didn’t really bother. Our first few meetups were simply rather awkward. Yes, we weren’t getting on. At all. I was wearing my black attire and she was always dressed in bright - be it yellow, green…you name it. She was a rising star and I was a university student desperately seeking “the one”. We were on different pages of life and we couldn’t really find a reason to make an effort with each other.
Almost two years ahead, I cannot come up with a legit explanation for why this was the case.
It was a lovely summer morning when her and I were waiting for V. for our Saturday catch-up. V. was late, as always, and the two of us finally got a chance to speak to each other. And we clicked. And essentially we were quite alike though at first we seemed to be worlds apart. We laughed at the same jokes. We made the same sarcastic remarks. We spoke about our lives and felt very comfortable sharing our little secrets.

With time we were seeing more of one another, spending the “after work” hours chatting and seeking each other’s advice. Back than, I’d already begun working at an office and she was working towards building a solid career within the music industry.
An industry that can be quite hard on you
An industry that can bring you down before it has even made you a "someone". 
Rather than changing her life path she never seemed willing to give up. She was telling me about her dreams and she was bold enough to actually pursue them completely disregarding the obstacles that were crossing her path.

And, you know, black is mesmerising - mystical, elegant, and chic. Black is safe. And I was playing it safe working for a company that was only going to bring me closer to drafting the perfect CV.
B. she never played it safe. She wore herself in bright.

One day I told her about “LTA”. She greeted me. Then she smiled at me. 
A few months later I quitted work and we celebrated my decision.

She did influence me a lot.
She taught me to think big.
She taught me to wear myself in bright and white to suddenly start receiving everyone's compliments - the black was being slowly replaced by the new ME that was emerging.

Before I met B. I’d pick something brighter for a night out, and minutes before leaving my flat I’d change to something darker (who am I lying? I’d change to black) and storm out dazed and confused for why I’d done that AGAIN.
While typing down this post, I’m trying to figure out why my choices were always dressed in black. Was I afraid to take a risk?
Was I hiding? 
Was I scared to fail?

Though quite bubbly and outgoing, sometimes the insecurities I’d previously kept deep within myself crawl back to my life… and black has always been the safest way of being out there, without shouting it too loud.

Well, angels, all of you who do the same. And don’t pretend you don’t know who you are, I’m sure you are secretly smiling right now. Well, I suggest you become a little bit bolder… Instead of hiding yourself (when I say “self” I don’t mean body) in black - use it only when you want to accentuate on a specific gear, or visually reshape a particular part of your body. 
Wear LBD when you want to look like Aurdey on the red carpet.
Embrace it when there is a special occasion, which requires you to walk around in leather pants, jacket, or a crazy shirt in black.
But in other occasions try to wear yourself in something brighter, happier, and lighter. And while digging in your wardrobe, please remember there are a few things that you cannot uncover there - your smile, your personality, and your wonderful friends. So do that first - smile and add a splash of colour to your life.

And B. I want to thank you for being such an inspiration - for me, and all the others who surround you.
Thank you for teaching us to never give up.
To be bolder,
And surely - Brighter.

And you know, B, it’s not that difficult to become a “star”. Stars can be “crafted”.
It’s the very personality, which cannot be "deleted" and "remade".
And you have one, which is truly remarkable.
So it’s time for you to stop reaching for the stars.
You already are one.

Happy Birthday, lovely girl.

With all my love,

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